Monday, February 12, 2007

Dynamis: Windurst and Beaucedine

Last Wednesday, we headed back to Dynamis-Windurst. We had been scheduled to take Dynamis-Jeuno, but since we had just done that on Saturday, we took the only free city zone. It was a really good run, and an easy win. We had about 38 people there for most of the run, and brought down the Mega Boss even quicker than we had on my previous run there with TheUltimates. The most exciting moment for me was when Valor Leggings dropped and I was the only main-lotting PLD who didn't already have them, so they were mine! They enhance the effects of Sentinel, so I'll macro them in for that and use them for kiting, but my AF+1 are better for normal tanking with their +12 Sheild Skill.

We got quite a bit of AF2 on the run: 2xPLD, 2xWAR, BLM, DRK, and SAM. The linkshell also got a Jadeshell, which gets added to the treasury. Jarbit was main tank for the run, with Meshe as back up. I had a better time with crowd control than I've had previously, but poor Allia, the RDM for the tank party, kept getting killed by mobs neither Leroi nor I had voked or flashed.

On Saturday night, we did a flag run for Dyanamis - Beaucedine Glacier. We started a bit late because there was another LS finishing up when we were ready to go, but that won't affect our start time next Wednesday. Jarbit was main tank, and I was backup tank for the evening. Backup tank in Dynamis is a role I can really sink my teeth into, as I'll fight alongside the main tank (so I'm ready to take over should he get killed), but there's none of the "OMG did I pick the right mob?" stress I get when I main tank, and it feels more "defined" than being part of the crowd control crew. I'll still Flash and Provoke incoming and slept mobs to help keep them off the sleeper crew, but I do my best to make sure the main tank stays alive. Jarbit died once before the mega boss, on one of the Monk-type NMs, but he was back up quickly to resume his duties. Goto's made up his mind and is now officially in TheUltimates, and somehow we managed to get him as the WHM for the tank party.

The run went very smoothly. We had 36 people in the zone, and though there were a handful of deaths here and there (and of course our THFs Goldfish and Lucrezia sacrificed themselves for the greater good all too often), it was a really painless run. The final boss for the flag in Beaucedine is interesting. It's a giant eye, located near the entrance to Fei'Yin. It spawns 4 dragons that are tied to it for hate. The strategy for this final fight is to have the THF puller aggro the eye, getting hate from him and the 4 dragons. The PLD tank grabs the eye off the train as the THF goes zooming past. The THF keeps running, all the way to the Ranguemont Pass zone. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is not allowed to do any damage to the eye whatsoever, as it would cause the dragons to suddenly come running back to help the eye. When the THF gets them to the zone, the signal is given to go all out and kill the eye.

For the four or five minutes it takes for the THF to get to the zone, we would provoke, flash and stun the eye to keep him occupied, and build up a good hate threshold as well. The eye has a bunch of annoying AOEs, like sleepga, silencega, and dispelga, but nothing too deadly in that phase of the fight. Once we actually started fighting the eye, it would occasionally warp around the "arena", but SMNs had their avatars on it, and DRGs their wyverns. The pets would head towards the eye when it warped, so it was easy for us to quickly find it and keep fighting it. The urgency here is to get it dead before the dragons get back from the zone, and once you get the flag from the ??? spot, you drop your hourglass and get the hell out of Dodge to avoid a nasty death from the dragons. Both Jarbit and Mayze ended up getting hit with Death, but they reraised quickly when we defeated the eye and were able to get the flag.

Zune needed the flag, but he managed to fall asleep before we fought the eye (or while we were fighting it). It was close, but he managed to wake up and get the flag before a gruesome death. Most of us had already dropped our hourglasses before we realized Zune was asleep, but a few people stayed in and made sure he got his flag. There were also a few people who wanted to play with the dragons, so they stayed behind as well. I suppose it would be fun to see them some day!

Because of the way the boss fight is, you can't really farm after the mega boss is down, unless there is someone waiting at the trail marking to hand out new hourglasses to people when they drop their hourglasses to get out. I wonder if the drops are better after the mega boss fight, since they're so horrible beforehand. At least we got one item this time - Koga Chainmail that made one Ninja happy.

New Title: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper



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