Thursday, May 22, 2008

Miscalculation on Floor 100

The best-laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley -- Robert Burns

And gang agley they did on Monday night. We took Anastasia's disc from 81 to 100. The first three runs went very smoothly, even with an inadvertent sixth floor on the second run. It was an "eliminate all enemies" floor, but we managed to win and exit in time, so the extra tokens were nice.

Again we went with our "new" line up of SAMx2, PLD, THF, RDM, BLM. As we prepared for our run up to Floor 100, we discussed when Ana should warp out, and reinforced that we could not kill the boss before Ana left the zone, otherwise her disc would be erased, making it useless for farming boss levels.

Since Ana was warping out, I got the armband for Assault command for the extra tokens, and we headed in. We bought our items from the vending box, and Ana took us to Floor 96. It was a horrible level - another "eliminate all enemies" level, with Psycheflayers and NMs. The next 3 levels weren't so bad though, and we hit Floor 100 at 8 minutes. We were so happy to see Khimaira there instead of Cerberus.

We buffed up, and started in on the fight. It went a lot quicker than we expected, and Ana didn't quite make it out in time. Her warp spell had completed, but she was still in the zone the moment Khimaira died, wiping her disc clean. That was such a disappointment, since it means we only have my disc now, which is at Floor 60.

However, it was also a happy victory, as we got an Askar Zucchetto and the SMN weapon, Scepter Staff. Since Yobun's the only one of the group with SMN at 75, the weapon went to him. Luckily, I won the lot on the Askar Zucchetto, since I won't be able to be on Floor 100 for a win now for a long long time, since I'll be warping out before we beat the boss, missing any chance to lot on any treasure. And believe me, after losing Ana's disc, I'll be warping out pretty quickly too. :-)

It's a very nice helmet, with +4 to STR, DEX and VIT, along with decent defense and +4% Haste. It replaces both my Voyager Sallet and my Walahra Turban (except when I need +30 MP I suppose). I do lose 1% haste, but I think the benefits outweigh that. I'll have +17% from gear instead of 18%.

Our new plan is to get my disc to 100 and farm bosses while I have the tokens for it, then we're going to raise a "third" disc to 100, which will give me a chance at getting the PLD sword, Brave Blade. We debating whether to have Lucrezia carry the next disc, since presumably TH4 will still be active when she warps out, or to have Yobun carry it, making it possible do his twice. This way we can take advantage of his 11 jobs that are 75, and the 4 that are 66+, and target specific weapons. This works because if you have the runic key item from completing Floor 100 once, the next time you're up to Floor 100 on your disc, the weapon for your job that you entered with will drop. We'll have to see how our random luck is on weapons as we go along.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tsakiki -

Congratulations on the Askar Helm! That thing is awesome looking and great stats as well! ^.^

May 22, 2008 10:35 am  
Blogger tsakiki said...

Thanks Belmont! I'm so very happy to have it.

May 23, 2008 7:57 am  

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