Sunday, January 21, 2007

Limbus: Apollyon SE

Last Sunday night, the same 9 of us showed up for Limbus that had been there the previous week. This week, Thunderbolt went as BLU/THF, Ezekiel was SAM/WAR (instead of SAM/THF, having forgotten to change his subjob before we left Jeuno), and Alfrodo was RDM. We decided to try Apollyon SE, and had a fun time. We cleared the zone, ending up with 52 coins for the 9 of us. I also got a White Rivet, which is one of the items I would need for upgrading one of my pieces of AF. I think I'll wait until after I get my Boxer's Mantle before I consider an AF upgrade though (you need to use ancient beastcoins for both of them). We also got a Smalt Chip, which is one of the chips needed to enter the fight with Proto-Omega.

This zone has 4 levels: slimes, crabs (sea monk boss), skeletons (corse boss), and weapons. The slimes are resistant to blunt damage, the crabs and skeletons resist slashing damage, and the weapons are magic resistant. For the crab and skeleton floor I used my Eight-Sided Pole +1 and did decent damage, but I missed having shield bash for the skeletons. They really like to cast tier IV spells and we never seemed to interrupt them. Both Thunderbolt and I ended up dead from massive spell damage.



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