Hunting the Sin Hunters
After talking about it for over a year, ClanBEB has finally taken the Sin Hunters up on their offers of a rematch. The first quest is Tango With a Tracker. For this quest, you fight Shikaree X and Shikaree Y in Boneyard Gully. Once you've completed it, you can go along with other people who need it. It also unlocks the Requiem of Sin quest, which you can do once a week. Shikaree Z joins her sisters for the second fight.
We've done two runs of Tango With a Tracker to get a few people available for our weekly Requiem of Sin runs. We've done three or four runs of Requiem of Sin so far, and we're hoping to get X's Knife for Lucrezia, but have got a whole lot of nothing so far. We typically do the runs right before our Nyzul Isle static on Mondays, with Luc's THF, my PLD, Yobun and Ana's BLM, and Erock's RDM, with Ranzz and Elbryan coming and RDM some times, as does Thoron's BLM.
It's a pretty easy fight for us, but it does take awhile to hike up to Boneyard Gully. Luc aggros the three trackers and their bunny and wyvern, and I pick them off one at a time for the BLMs to nuke. When the Mithra get into the mood for a skillchain though, they don't care about me no matter what I do to try to get their attention.
With the drop rate for the knife being abysmally low, we may be at this for quite a long time!
New titles: Sin Hunter Hunter, Disciple of Justice
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