Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Missions: Ark Angels, 2 down, 3 to go (ZM 14)

(Sorry about the lack of pictures lately. This is getting pretty dull!)

Yobun decided it was time for us to get a move on and try to complete the Zilart Missions. Most people are on Mission 14, at least those of us who were 65 before the Treasures of Aht Urhgan came out. There seems to be little need for Sky for leveling to 75 these days. We had fewer people than we expected show up on Saturday evening for the event, leaving us with 9 to mix and match into parties of 6 for the BCs.

Wendell WHM74/BLM36
Elboron BRD75/WHM37
Tsakiki PLD75/WAR37
Grymalkyn THF75/NIN37
Itera MNK75/WAR37
Charcole MNK75/WAR37
Izan DRG75/WAR37
Midget RNG75/NIN37
Yobun BLM75/RDM37

We decided to face the Tarutaru BLM-DRK first. We headed in with WHM BRD PLD THF MNK DRG, and ended up with a full wipe. Grym lasted the longest (having bloody bolts really helps), but just didn't have the Ark Angel TT down far enough to do him in. The Amon Drive spam kept petrifying and paralyzing us, rendering us useless. His constant warping around the arena made it so difficult for a group of melee to fight him.

We thought about it a bit and swapped in Yobun's BLM for Izan's DRG, and were able to win, setting the record for the week.

The third run was with WHM BRD PLD BLM MNK RNG, then the fourth WHM BRD PLD BLM DRG RNG. We got better each time we did it, resetting the record with each run, but we had plenty of deaths along the way. I can't remember them all, but I do remember my own. For the TT, I died on the first 3 runs, but managed to live through the 4th.

Next we moved on the the Mithra, THF-BST. We ended up doing this one three times, with the WHM BRD PLD BLM repeating it each time and rotating through the melees. I died on two of these, once when Itera was charmed and the Mithra's pet tiger got me, and once Charcole got charmed and killed me. I think on that run Charcole was the only one left alive at the end, though Wendell might have reraised before the end of the fight. While Charcole was still charmed, Grym got the Ark Angel MR down to a sliver, but a triple attack from the Ark Angel MR just after Grym's Perfect Dodge wore off did her in (I think Charcole was awake and hitting Grym by that point too). Charcole came uncharmed and finished off the MR.

I ended up dying in 5 of the 7 fights, but with Wendell there for Raise IIIs, I didn't lose all that much of my buffer (still over 11k into 75). Wendell only had Reraise II on, and ended up losing about 3k. Next weekend we'll head back and see if we can get through the rest of the Ark Angels.


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