Thursday, July 27, 2006

Leveling: BLU Trio

Saturday evening, Elboron, Grymalkyn and I got set to go out to Ghelsba to try to learn Blastbomb from the Orcish Warmachines. Grym and I were just 15, and Elboron was quite close to 15, and Blastbomb is one of the level 18 spells we still needed (Cursed Sphere is the last). We didn't really know where to find the Warmachines in the Outpost section, except for one spot that was being camped by a BLU12, so we headed into the Fort Section. We didn't have much luck there, but killed lots of different Orcs, and managed to have all 3 of us learn Blood Drain (level 20) from the first Cheiroptera that we tried to learn it from.

We headed back to the Outpost, and went down to the lowest level. There we found several spawn points to run between, killing Orcs for more points as we went back and forth. We eventually all learned Blastbomb and decided to head to Carpenter's Landing for some exp. After hitting 16, we all set Healing Breeze as one of our spells. It's a bit expensive MP-wise, but it's nice to be able to cure everyone. I really like the way you get certain traits when you've set certain combinations of spells - such as autoregen with both Pollen and Healing Breeze set in the spell list.

It's really fun to have the three of us spamming Tough mobs with Blue Magic as we slash them with our swords, bouncing hate around between the three of us. We mostly fought beetles and Orcs here, but tried a few pugils, just to see if we might learn Screwdriver (level 26). We finished up the evening quite close to 17, and will probably head to the Dunes for our next outing, and try to learn Cursed Sphere.