Thursday, January 05, 2006

Leveling: LLS Passes the MLS

Over the holidays, the LLS got in three exp sessions in The Boyahda Tree, and in the process, caught up to and overtook the Mid-Level Static. :-)

For our first party fighting Processionaires in the Tree, we had Talula's RDM60 filling in for Erock. We fought for 3.5 hours, and Kiki ended up with about 17K exp (not using the Empress Ring). Itera, Kiki, Grym, and Yobun all hit 64, though Grym lost a good chunk of exp. She got aggro'd by an Elder Goobbue near our camp and took the death rather than risk wiping the whole party. After a Raise 1, Grym wanted to keep fighting while weakened, but got hit by a blast of Poison Breath from a crawler that turned at the wrong moment, and Grym died again.

It's not a bad camp, with 6-8 crawlers to pull for the chains. Unfortunately they tend to hang out in pairs, so it's hard to pull just one. Once you get the respawns spaced out, it works quite well, and we had lots of chain #5s with little time wasted.

We headed back again for a bit of a marathon session on a weekday when we were all on holidays. Erock was with us, and we got about 22K exp in nearly 5.5 hours before we called it a night. Itera, Kiki, Grym and Yobun were all 65, while Elboron was 64 and Erock 60. Elboron went out with a pickup party the next day and got nearly caught up to Kiki, but Kiki's still 15K behind Itera.

Back on our regular schedule as the holidays ended, we hit the Tree for a third time (had thought about going to the Den of Rancor, but a party was there). We had a pick-up WHM, Alexsander, subbing in for Erock. He did an OK job, but every time we get a pickup healer, I really miss Erock! Itera and Alex were the only two who leveled. Once Itera hit 66, the exp dropped off pretty sharply, so we'll definitely head someplace else next week. We ended up with about 10k exp on 2.5 hours of food, with a short break in there while Alex had to get some dinner.


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