Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Leveling: LLS back to Uleguerand Range (62-63)

The LLS headed back for another 3 hours in Uleguerand Range, fighting the Nival Raptors again. We were probably a level too high at 63, but it was fast and easy. Pretty consistent Chain #5s and no rest breaks to speak of. Elboron (BRD62) and Itera (MNK63) didn't level, but Kiki, Grym, and Yobun hit 63, and Erock got to 58. Both Erock and Elboron were planning to get pickup parties to get a bit more EXP under their belts and narrow the gap.

Grymalkyn got killed again on a long pull. The raptor got her shadows off, flee wasn't up, and with three hits, the poor kitty was dead. I knew she was in trouble and ran to try to pull it off of her before the third hit, but I didn't make it in time. We ended up with about 12.5-13K exp on 3 hours worth of food.

With our static's setup (PLD, THF, THF, MNK, BRD, WHM), I'm not sure how much better we can do with per-hour exp, since we've been told without a BLM we're going to have to stick to VTs the rest of our career. It's great to have a static though, and not worry about finding people and dragging them off to little known camps, and have them leave without warning and so on and so forth. But as the amount of exp needed for each level gets bigger and bigger, it seems it will take us forever to get to 75 at 3 hours a week.