Monday, January 17, 2005

Leveling: Semi-Static Hits 48 (Yhoator Jungle)

We decided to head back to the Ifrit's Cauldron zone in Yhoator Jungle Friday night. Draconian was LFP, so we grabbed him, and I asked Plumpixie if he wanted to join us (wasn't LFP, but it doesn't hurt to ask). He said sure but had to reboot his computer to split his connection. We got impatient and worried he wasn't coming back, so Draconian asked Lilliet, a WHM to join us. She said sure and we headed to camp. We got off to a poor start, with Lilliet hitting a Cure IV macro before Grym's SATA on me, and I think I managed to get hate back, but she was wiped out by a gobbie bomb. Fortunately she had reraise on, and things went much smoother after that.

Lilliet and Draconian both had to go, so Plumpixie joined us, and we got a second Paladin, who didn't mind using his greatsword and not tanking for awhile. After a bit, Loc needed 5 minutes to put his son to bed, and the PLD must've fallen asleep or something. We left him in the party for awhile, but after about 1000 exp and no sign of life, we dropped him and shifted our camp to protect him from bombs. Draconian was done with movie night and rejoined us. We plowed through the goblins, and ended up with about a level and a half of exp, getting the four of us anyway from 46 to 48. I love having Refresh - even with all my taru MP, it's nice having it seemingly endless. Cure IIIs are great for hate.  

After Draconian had been back with us for nearly two hours, the PLD came back to life and came over and said "Why you kick me?" I pointed out he'd been AFK for nearly 3 hours, and definitely over 2 hours. He made a >< face, hung around for a couple minutes watching us fight, then warped back to Jeuno.

We got a couple links on pulls, but handled them all. Manon thought she would try to kite them, but really, Grym's so much better equipped for that, with Hide, Flee, and Utsusemi. Plus we really need Manon's damage to get rid of the first mob as fast as possible.


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