Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Events: Holiday Time in Vana'diel

Between Real Life Christmas shopping, and holiday activities in the game, I feel like we didn't get much done this weekend. Grym and Kiki got all three of their holiday trees, while the mules simply got the one for their home city. Qiyuk got a Teleport-Dem from Jeuno so that she could participate as well. It's always so much fun running a level 1 around! She made it safely to Bastok without incident.

All 8 of our characters got their Dream Cap +1 as well, so we'll have a neverending supply of ginger cookies. This was a fun set of activities, since we didn't have to spend a single gil for it.

Nicest thing is the city-to-city moogle teleport service. It's a shame that will be going away when the event is over. It really made it easy to help with Kazham key hunting! We'd finish in one area and *poof*, we're at the next. Qiyuk used the service to get to Windurst. She's going to raise her fame and quest for Aspir before she heads back to Jeuno. Meanwhile, it's kind of a pain not having a character permanently in Jeuno, but we'll manage.