Monday, November 29, 2004

General: Solo Thief and Fishing

We got Kiki's THF up to 18 during the evenings last week, since I was starting to be a bit embarrassed running around as a WAR36/THF15, even if I was only farming that way. Plus this way If I can get an EXP party that will let me be a damage dealer instead of a tank, I can sub THF and have it fully levelled through 37. I'm not sure how much further I'll take WAR, but I do want to get THF to 25 for Flee, which could be useful at times.

I had Kiki go fishing in Rabao for the first time last night. I thought it was really good. I used a composite rod with little worms and insect paste, and got 2.5 stacks of moat carp, a sand fish, 4 crayfish, and even a .2 skillup, with less than 6 stacks of bait, and just over an hour of time. It was fullmoon, so that probably helped. (Kiki's fishing skill is at 19.)