General: Odds and Ends
Two weeks ago Sunday, our static couldn't exp again, so four of us headed to Upper Delkfutt's Tower to get another Monk's Testimony for Itera. Since nothing's better than Even Match there any more, we didn't get a lot of exp for our efforts, but we did get him a testimony. And more wool thread from Gigas socks.
Our weekly escort mission has become quite routine. Splinte has finally joined in as well, and the six of us make short work of the mobs threatening Olavia. We really have to try one of the other ones some time for variety.
Last Tuesday night, Itera needed another Monk's Testimony (I think he's getting a bit tired of Maat), so we headed to Davoi/Monastic Cavern after killing a baby NM for CoP 3-3, and Erock met us there. It was late, so I couldn't stay long, but little did I know that would be the last time I'd see Erock in the game. :-( He's quit again, and I'm told it's permanent this time. It's very sad.
Windurst took first in the conquest last week. I had a feeling that we would, from looking at the region info just before the tally, so Grym and Kiki stood next to the gate guard in Windurst, waiting for the results. Sure enough, Windurst was first. Hurray! Finally, we had our very own Federation Aketons. Seems like a silly use of so many conquest points, but it's something I really wanted to have, and to have earned the right to wear. The speed increase in town isn't very dramatic, but it is noticeable. I suppose at some point we'll tire of it and forget to change into it, but in the meantime, I love it!
I did about an hour's worth of fishing last weekend in Qufim, and caught about 100k worth of squid, bluetail, and cone calamary, and even got a .2 skillup. It's such an easy way to make some quick gil, but I never seem to have the time these days. I think Grym's about out of sushi, so I'll have to do some fishing again this week.
One night last week, we headed to Castle Zvahl Bailey to try to get a coffer key for Rovont. We had Elbryan RDM74, Itera MNK69, Grymalkyn THF69, Elboron BRD69, Kiki PLD69, and Rovont PLD60. We killed the coffer mobs for about two hours, and the last Demon in the last set we'd said we do before calling it a night actually dropped the key. Rovont set off to find his coffer while the rest of us headed home, but got aggro'd and died in front of a coffer. Elbryan headed back in to raise him and help him. Rovont got his coffer item, but Elbryan died in the process as well. That place can be quite painful for coffers.
Another night, a group of us helped Trow with his BLM AF3 in Toraimarai Canal. It seemed to go so much faster than it had when we did the fight months ago for Yobun and Diasuke, despite having fewer people: Trow BLM57, Yobun BLM75, Midget THF75, Kiki PLD69, Elboron BRD69, and Itera MNK69.
Later that night, Midget and Charcole were finally ready for Windurst Mission 9-2, and recruited a bunch of us to help. We had Midget THF75, Yobun BLM75, Charcole MNK73, Elboron BRD69, Wendell WHM68, and Kiki PLD69. The fight was much faster than it had been when we did it a couple of weeks ago - partly because 4 of us had done it before, but also because Charcole's two hour just demolished the Manticore. Ajido-Marujido did the same fake-out manoeuver he used when we did it originally, but I anticipated it this time, and I don't think he got smacked by the Manticore at the start.
Sunday morning, Grym was /anon, standing at the auction house in her Aketon and got a tell from someone named Cyclopss asking if she was Japanese, sort of using the autotranslator. Grym replied that she wasn't, and he asked what Rank she was. When she responded 10, he asked if she would help him with Mission 3-3. We decided we could - he was a WAR42, and wouldn't need too much hand-holding for the trip up Delkfutt's. He also had a WHM58 helping him. Grym and I OP warped to Qufim, while the other two took the airship, then we made the long trek up to the 10th floor of Delkfutt's, with Cyclopss not getting any aggro until the 7th floor. We killed Porphyrion and got his key and headed to the basement. Turns out he'd neglect to talk to the embassy in Jeuno first, so he ran back to Jeuno for that part and we waited to show him how to get back to the basement quickly. It turns out he's quite a young player, and wanted Rank 4 so he could get his NPC. His dad also plays, so we're guessing that his dad funded his airship pass. He was very polite, so it felt good to have helped him out.
A group of us helped Narm fight the NM Shadow for his WHM AF3 in Fei'Yin. We had Anastasia BLM75, Trow RDM75, Drakel RNG75, Gleko MNK6x, Kiki PLD69, and Narm WHM58. It was a pretty tough fight, with the Shadow practically spamming Dimensional Death, but we finished it off and Narm finally got his WHM AF body piece.
And then tonight, after our escort quest, Elbo, Grym, Itera and Kiki headed to Castle Oztroja to get another Monk Testimony for Itera. It took about an hour for one to drop, but this was the lucky one. Itera headed straight back to Jeuno and went to show Maat who's boss. Congratulations Itera!
best regards, nice info » »
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