Wednesday, February 22, 2006

General: Random Musings

We've been enjoying our now-weekly Escort Quests in Crawlers Nest, but last week Olavia got killed when we weren't paying enough attention. We ran back out to Rolanberry Fields and when we zoned back into Crawlers Nest, there she was, waiting as though we hadn't left her to die under the onslaught of several Exorays. This time we were more careful, and got her to her destination without incident. I believe we've seen all the different routes she can take now, and none of them seem bad. At some point we should try the ones in Eldieme Necropolis and Garliage Citadel, just to see what they're like.

Last week, we were killing things for weapon skills after Olavia left us, and ended up fighting some Easy Prey Wespes, and I couldn't believe it when two of them hit me for over 900 damage (each) sing Final Sting. Luckily I was pretty close to full health for both hits, and they die when they do that, so I was fine, but I would have been a bit embarrased to have such a weak little thing kill me in one shot.

On Saturday, we headed to Sea Serpent Grotto to help Erock farm his Golden Hakutaku Eye from Mindgazers, which ranged from DC to T for us, but with Trow (RDM/NIN), Talula (RDM/WHM), and Erock (WAR/NIN) being 73-75, they were killed pretty quickly by the 6 of us. We were camped behind the Ornamented Door, near where a few Sahagin NMs (Abyss, Coral, and Ocean) spawn, so we killed the Abyss and Coral Sahagins a couple of times and got a variety of bard scrolls. This was the first time I got to use Spirit Taker extensively, and I must say I really like it. I was getting back around 100 MP for every 100% TP. It will really cut down on resting for MP while doing farming and things like that. I'm eager to get to a level where I can use some of the high damage staves in the 70s.

After we got Erock's eye, we headed to the spawn area for Novv the Whitehearted, which can drop the Minstrel's Coat, a very nice piece of rare/ex body armor for Bards. Elboron would really like one, and some day we need to make a serious camping effort for it. When we got to the spot, it was empty, but suddenly several "known" RMT characters appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, so we knew it must be close to spawn time. Novv also can drop Siren's Hair, which goes for several million on the AH. Sure enough, we heard a provoke, and the RMTs got Novv. They seemed willing to let Elboron have the Coat, but apparently it didn't drop that time.