Quests: Valkurm Dunes Garrison #2
A few of us decided to try the Dunes Garrison (level 30 cap) again for our Friday Night event. This week, Windurst controls the Zulkheim region, and Kiki, Grymalkyn, Elboron, and Diasuke all had managed to get their hands on a sack of Galka Fangs, so we were able to do 4 runs. We weren't terribly organized, and it took awhile for us all to gather together at the outpost, but we ended up with this intrepid band of adventurers:
Splinte WAR/NIN
Tsakiki WAR/MNK
Grymalkyn WHM/BLM
Elboron WHM/BLM
Diasuke BLM/WHM
Itera RDM28/BLM -> MNK/WAR
Wendell BLM/WHM
We hadn't been certain about Wendell showing up, but I probably would have asked Diasuke to come as a WAR or PLD instead of having two BLMs, but it worked out fine, so no harm done. We learned that when Windurstians initiate the Garrison, you end up getting a bunch of Scholars to protect, rather than the San d'Orian Traders. They were mostly Tarutaru, with one or two Mithra. The Tarus all seemed to be mages, and the WHM Scholars would cast healing and buffing spells (and also Diaga, which kind of messed up trying to sleep some of the goblins).
Our general plan was to have Wendell and Splinte drag one goblin away from us to keep it slept while we rested before finishing it off and starting the next wave, but some times they had a hard time getting one away without one or more of the scholars following along and waking the goblin back up. Fortunately, we were able to get full rests every run before the fourth wave of goblins, and we won every fight. We lost a few NPCs along the way, and Elboron got killed on one run as well. He had had reraise active and we learned that when you're raised, you're not in the garrison anymore and can't assist the others. It makes sense, since the level cap is removed, but we hadn't really thought about it beforehand. Grymalkyn also used Benediction on that fight, but we somehow managed to keep her from getting killed as well. It was really helpful having two WHMs in our party - the first time we did Garrison, we just had one.
We got plenty of mannequin feet and legs, so we've really got to get serious about doing the BCNMs for the final three parts. We were quite lucky with our drops as well, getting two Military Harps (1 million each), a Military Pick (700K), a Military Gun (100K), two Military Spears (70K? each), and a Military Pole (15K). Kiki is responsible for selling everything and splitting the gil with the group. I had set one of our mules out in Rolanberry Fields overnight in an attempt to avoid the Auction listing fees, and none of the Military stuff sold, but things sold quite quickly once I put them up on the Auction House this morning.