Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Missions: Magicite for Elboron

A few nights ago, Elboron logged in and didn't have any concrete plans for the evening. Grym and Kiki suggested a few things, and it was decided that they should get Elboron's Magicite from Beadeaux and Davoi, and maybe even Castle Oztroja. Emith heard of the plan, and joined in as well. So we all met in Jeuno, Grym as WHM36/NIN18, Kiki as PLD51/RDM25, Emith as BLM58/WHM29, and Elboron as WHM30/BLM15, so he could use Sneak and Invisible on himself.

Grym gave us a Teleport-Dem, we grabbed chocobos and rode to Beadeaux. It was a quick trip into the Qulon Dome area, with just Elboron keeping himself sneaked. He got his magicite and cutscene, and Grym cast Teleport-Holla to get us out of there.

Another chocobo to Davoi, and we had a really easy time getting to the Wall of Dark Arts - someone had been killing all of the Orcs. However, Elboron couldn't get through. He hadn't picked up the Davoi Charm or the Yagudo Torch yet from Jeuno, just the Beadeaux key items. So Grym took us back to the Holla Crag, and Emith sent Elboron back to Jeuno with Warp II. We met a little while later back at the entrance to Davoi.  

This time things didn't go so smoothly. Elboron ran up ahead and took a wrong turn, got aggro'd by some bats, and we weren't able to save him. If I had subbed /war and had been able to provoke, it might have been OK. So we killed the nearby mobs, and Grym raised Elboron. We headed back to the Wall of the Dark Arts, and there was an Orc a bit too close to the door. Elboron saw Emith and Grym drop their invis and go through the door, and he figured it was safe, but I think the Orc was watching more closely by then. Elboron was still weakened, and was down in one or two shots. Again, if I had provoke, I might have been able to save him, since I was still out there with him and saw that it might aggro him. We killed the Orc, and Grym raised Elboron again. Another Orc started to attack us, but someone else grabbed it off of us. We headed into Monastic Cavern and Elboron got his Davoi magicite and the next cutscene.

We were a bit subdued by Elboron's two deaths, but thought that it was a good opportunity to get Elboron to Rank 5, so we decided to push on to Castle Oztroja. Since it's such a long walk through the Castle to the Altar Room for the magicite, and at 51 the bats would not aggro, Grym and Kiki had Emith D2 them back to Windurst, where Grym switched to THF51/WHM25, and Kiki to PLD51/WAR25. Our plan was to kill all the bats so Elboron just had to worry about invisible for the Yagudos.

We got to the door on the main level without incident, when suddenly an enormous train of Yagudos started bursting through the door, hot on the heels of some hapless idiot. I'm pretty sure some checked as IT to Kiki, but I know I definitely saw a VT. The four of us huddled in the corner near the door, keeping ourselves invisible, hoping they would not notice us. When they started heading back to their spots, we slipped back the other way and south a bit to hide in a nearby hallway until they all were gone again. It seemed like the train had every Yag in the whole place in it.

We continued to make our way deep into the Castle, and really didn't have too much troubles. We started running into some EP Yags for Grym and Kiki, and fought quite a few. When we got pretty close to the Altar Room, we opted to use invisible to get past them. The two guard Yagudos at the torch door both were EP, so Emith grabbed one and Grym and Kiki fought the other. We all got the torches lit without incident, and got past the final two Yags and into the Altar Room. Hurray! Elbo got his magicite and cutscene and was ready to head back to Jeuno to complete the Mission. Emith sent us all home, our goal for the evening accomplished.


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